Staff form presents me with such a fun set of circumstances as a teacher. get all of my students, outside, carrying a six foot long stick. What fun things can I make them do?
Well obviously, we can learn the staff form. We did that. We looked at new moves and old moves. We made small adjustments to pieces that needed adjusting. Learning the form itself is super fun – it is a very technical and beautiful form.
However, we also tried balancing the staves on the palms of our hands… and we tried kicking the staves up to the palms of our hands… and we tried flipping the staves from one palm of the hand to the other. Why play these games with the stick? Why not spend the whole hour just learning the form? We could – as I mentioned it is a super fun form… but as both a teacher and a student I simply can’t pass up the opportunity (six foot long sticks and students) to engage in play.