Time Stressor

We’ve talked about load as a stressor. We’ve talked about volume as a stressor. Let’s talk about time crunch as a stressor.

What if you only have a certain amount of time to accomplish a certain amount of reps? Does it change your form? If it does, how and why does it change your form?

My experience is that when I am under a time constraint, I try and make the motion as small as possible but still retain some semblance of good form. Mental focus and awareness of your capacity becomes key. What parts of your form can you let (in order to go faster) and not hurt yourself or fatigue your smaller muscle groups? What parts of your form do you have to remind yourself to hang on to (such that if you forget about them it actually makes you slower).

As with all other stressors, time as a stressor is to be played with and experimented on.

Fallacy of Composition

Part 1: Skill
For 8 minutes alternate between A & B
A: 30 seconds of pistols. 30 seconds of rest.
B: 30 seconds of handstand. 30 seconds of rest.

Part 2: Metcon
For 5 rounds, accumulate as many pull ups as possible
With one minute on the clock do
7 clean and jerks (135/95)
With the remainder of the minute, AMRAP pull ups
Rest one minute

I erased the whiteboard photo on accident so close your eyes and imagine what people scores. (Hint: Steve beat me by 11 reps)

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