My own Words

Set ups are improving

It’s easy to give advice.  Equally easy is to ignore the advice you give others AKA not practicing what you preach.

Allow me to display my own ignoring of my own advice,  because if this post is going to be about honesty and turning our razor sharp wits on ourselves, I might as well get started and make an example of myself.

I frequently say “always give one coaching point to people.  If you give them more than that, they are going to get confused.”  Great advice.  People can usually only think about one thing at a time and so giving them more than one thing to work on is counter productive.

… despite this, I realized that I gave 3 pieces of advice on the kettlebell swing today in class.  Sigh.  I’ll keep working on it.

Ad Hominem
Part 1: Strength
For 5 sets, alternate A & B
A: 5 front squats
B: 5 bent over rows
Part 2: Metcon
3 rounds for time
2 laps of overhead lunges (45/33)
15 pull ups
25 Kb swings (24/16)

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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