Volume Stress vs Load Stress

Most of the time when we do our EMOM work, we use weight as the stressor for our form. By loading on sufficient weight, we give ourselves a challenge and see if we are able to maintain good technique.

Today we used volume instead. Instead if doing the usual one rep every minute, we did five. Now, of course, there was still some weight on the bar but it was significantly less than would have been on the bar if we were doing only one rep.

Part of the beauty of the EMOM is that you get to rest and analyze after each set rather than continue to wade forward as you might with a metcon. So what things will you notice with more volume and less weight? Try it and see. Many of us noticed that our low backs hurt after each set which meant we were likely sending our hips up faster than the rest of the body. The volume revealed this fault where a single rep might not have.

Luckily. You Love Hard Workouts
Part 1: barbell gymnastics
EMOM for 9 minutes
5 power cleans
Part 2: the middle part
Take 15 minutes to do
5 sets of 5 shoulder press
One 500m row as fast as possible
Part 3: Metcon
12 minute AMRAP
24 double unders
12 wall ball (20/14)
6 knees to elbows

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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