The fighting principle of line of attack centers largely around laying a grid pattern over your partners body and then thinking of each of the squares created by that grid as a potential target.
For example, you could lay a 3 by 3 grid over your partner’s chest (not literally, of course, just picture a grid) thus giving you 9 squares. If you numbered them then 1 would be the left pec, 2 would be the sternum, 3 would be the right pec, 4 would be the left side of the ribcage, 5 would be the solar plexus… hopefully you get the idea.
The purpose of all this grid laying is to get you to get you to see more targets and also to notice what targeting habits you have. Today in class we played “give each other a PIN number” in which you spout out a 4 digit number and your partner “types” it in by throwing strikes at the appropriate target.
The grid idea can be transferred anywhere. You can lay a grid over the head, the hand, the foot, the knee… it is, again, simply a visual tool to help with targeting.
(Also, I looked it up and this is the correct explanation of line of attack.)