The question always arises: how can I work on this new thing that we’re talking about in class when I’m still thinking about the other 500 things that we’ve gone over before?
The answer is that you can’t and you shouldn’t try. Working one thing at a time is (for most of us, most of the time) the best policy. Trying to work two ideas (or more) at once usually just leads to confusion.
So how do you get better at anything? While you are working on that ONE thing, everything else about your training will go into automatic mode. In other words, your body will do what you’ve trained it to do (not necessarily the same thing as what you want it to do). If you’re working on moving your feet and your hands drop down to your stomach (instead of staying up by your chin) then that simply means you need to train keeping your hands up more. It’s nothing to mourn or despair. It is simply what is.