Working with a partner can be an invaluable feedback tool. It is like gaining another set of eyes to help correct your movement patterns. Also, it can be confusing, awkward and less than useless.
How do we keep partner work useful? Be patient. If you are watching you pr partner and you don’t know what you should say then don’t say anything. Just because you are standing there doesn’t mean you are required to speak words. Watch. Be patient. Over time, as you watch more and more people you’ll figure out what to look for and what to say when you see it.
Despite the frenetic pace of the metcons, becoming a good CrossFitter actually requires quite a bit of patience.
Some Numbers
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
EMOM for 8 minutes
Snatch grip deadlift
Part 2: Metcon
12 minute AMRAP
21 double unders
Corner med ball run (20/14)
3 wall walks
Check the whiteboard for numbers.