Why does the barbell sometimes fly out and away from us? Sometimes this is because we aren’t bending our elbows. Having the barbell fly away from you means a bent bar path which means having to hop forward or lean forward or correct with the arms or drop the bar.
Bend your elbows to keep the bar close. The difficult part for most beginners is not bending the elbows too early. Wait until the legs have given it their all. The bar is launching upward. Follow that upward path, preserve that beautiful vertical motion by allowing the elbows to bend.
Sit ‘n’ Squat
Part 1: Skill
For 8 minutes, alternate between A and B every minute
A: 30 seconds of ring push ups, 30 seconds of rest
B: 30 seconds of knees to elbows, 30 seconds of rest
Part 2: Metcon (15 min cap)
3 rounds for time
15 back squats (135/95)
15 sit ups
10 front squats (135/95)
15 sit ups
5 overhead squats (135/95)
15 sit ups
Check the whiteboard for numbers.