Bigger Kip, Bigger Result

No surprise, the bigger you kip, the easier the handstand push-up is on your shoulders. You are substituting a powerful hip drive for a shoulder drive.

With this in mind, if you are going to kip, bring your legs as low down as your balance will allow. This means if you can touch your thighs to your torso, do it. This often means scooting slightly further away from the wall and also taking time to practice the motion outside of WOD time.

Also, the new unbroken wall ball score to beat is 54.

An Armed Offing Arm Offering
Part 1: Strength
Alternate between A & B for 5 rounds
A: 3 pause back squats
B: 3 bent over rows
Part 2: Metcon
4 rounds for time
11 Kb snatches (24/16kg) right hand
11 handstand push ups
11 Kb snatches (24/16kg) left hand
11 chest to bar pull ups

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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