Why You Ever?

Oly class 12.28.15

Why power clean?  Isn’t getting under the bar the correct way to clean?  Shouldn’t you squat under the bar always?

I have come to see the power clean (and power snatch) as invaluable teaching tools for both myself and other students because they are less complex.  Because they are simpler movements they are easier to learn and execute.  This doesn’t necessarily mean you should perfect the power movements and then move on to the full movements.  I’m sure people do that.  That’s fine.  For me, it simply means you can try to change something in the power movement and have an easier time.  Once you get that to manifest in the simpler movement, you can try and transfer it to the more complex movement.

Don’t diss on the power clean.  Instead, use it as a way to work on your clean.

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