Oly class 6.29.15
There are lots of weird versions of the Olympic lifts. Ok. They aren’t weird. They are variations, that when properly used, can help accellerate those breakthrough moments you occasionally get in training.
For me, at this current moment in my training, the snatch balance is the “variation” lift that seems to be helping me the most. When I do snatch balances before I snatch, everything falls into place easier.
Today in class, we did the “tall” variations of the three lifts. I’m not certain I really like any of them. But, I’ve only really tried them a few times, so it hardly seems fair to make a judgement. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ll get back to you in a couple years and let you know if they have helped. Why a couple years? Because that’s about how long it took me to start liking the snatch balance.