
So you want to get better at moving? Good. That is our focus here. There are lots of ways to get better at moving. First and foremost, we believe that you actually need to move to get better at moving. It sounds obvious but despite this obviousness, it is easy to fall into the trap that you can think, talk or wish your way to better movement.

Another way we can get better at movement is through video feedback. You move, then you watch how you moved, then you try and improve on that movement. Watch the video. You’ll see Carrie do the same lift quite a few times. Do you see one mistake that she makes consistently? If you do, THAT is the thing that you want to offer as a correction. If you see multiple things that she consistently does wrong, then you want to give the biggest mistake as a correction.

In other words, you want to focus on one thing. Only one.

Now that you’ve read all these words and watched the video, go clean a broomstick or a barbell. Do you make the same mistakes that you saw?

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