Everything Midline

Front squats for magic powers

It all comes back to the midline because if you can’t stabilize your midline, everything falls apart. Today’s workout was an excellent illustration of this.

First, we had handstand walk. If you can’t keep your midline tight when you are upside down, then your spine flops all over the place and you fall over. This is often easier to see when folks hold a handstand on the wall. Next time we do handstand holds, watch the line of people’s backs. Those folks who have neutral spines are more likely to have good handstand push ups and handstand walks. Those with big curves in their backs are much more likely to struggle.

Second, we had front squats. If you don’t secure the midline, then the bar will drag you forward and bow your back. Many of us are strong enough to bear this horrible bending for a while but the end product is a sore back and an unwillingness to pick the bar back up.

Third, we had sit ups. Even though it was technically the simplest movement of the workout, it was also the one that dragged down the midline for the other two movements.

So how does one gain more midline stability? Focus. Concentrate on your posture when you move. Know when you need to keep a neutral spine and know when you need to bend.

Go here to see the workout and whiteboard.

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