Unaccomadated CrossFitters

Where is the deadlifted?Why, thou wert better in thy house than to answer with thy unlighted gym this heaviness of the barbells. Is CrossFit no more than this? Consider it well. Thou owest the gymnast no skill, the powerlifter no strength, the weightlifter no coordination, the runner no endurance. Ha! Here’s three movements to smoke you. It is the thing itself.

Unaccommodated CrossFit is no more but such a poor, bare, forked exercise as thou art.
Off, off, you lanterns! Come. Flick here. (Turns off the lights.)

Yeah, we worked out during the power outage. See if you can spot the deadlifted in the darkness.   Go read the original Lear monologue here. Go see the workout and the whiteboard here.

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