Take Care

December challenge

So, you’ve never had plantar fasciitis before? Awesome. Keep it that way and do the challenge for this month: five minutes of lower leg mobility work every day in December. An ounce of prevention, as they say, is worth a pound of cure. Or, in this case, prevention and cure are the same mobility work but you’re not in constant pain if you’re in prevention mode whereas if you’re in cure mode, you are in constant pain.

Treat yourself. Rub your feet for five minutes a day. What’s the worst that could happen?

Luis Garavito
Part 1: Barbell Technqiue
Take 15 minutes to do
4 sets of 3 touch and go cleans
Do a fifth set at 80% of your heaviest set from above but do as many reps as possible.
Part 2: Gymnastic Technique
Alternate 8
A: Handstand
B: Pistols
Part 3: Conditioning
For time:
70 sit ups
3 rounds of 5 thrusters (135/95) and 10 burpees
70 sit ups

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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