The joy of movement is exactly that – joy. Sometimes in CrossFit we try new movements because it is fun to see what your body can do. Today we played with the windshield wiper a bit. It is not an easy movement. Many people couldn’t do it at all.
Enjoy it. Try it. Move. It is fun to see if the core CrossFit movements have made you strong enough and coordinated enough to do new movements like the windshield wiper. It is equally interesting to then question (if those same core movements haven’t made you strong enough) what may be lacking from your training or our programming that would make adapting to new movements easier.
And maybe you’re now inspired to master the windshield wiper because… because why not?
Part 1: Strength
Alternate A and B for 4 rounds
A: 5 reps of snatch grip deadlift
B: 5 strict weighted ring dips
Part 2: Gymnastic practice
Alternate 8
A: Windshield wipers
B: Handstand practice
Part 3: Conditioning
8 rounds for time
4 clean and jerks (135/95)
4 step ups with Kb (20″ box, 24/16kg kettle bell)
Check the whiteboard for numbers.