Battle month is over. Trickster month is here.
My takeaway from battle month was: never underestimate your enemy. That peasant who has managed to gather an army? Take him seriously. That upstart young prince who has taken over for his father? Deploy your troops thoughtfully against him. That young maiden who hears voices? She inspires troops so send your finest to stop her.
Trickster month will involve the workouts being named after characters from fiction. Specifically, these figures will represent the archetype of trickster – the type of person who solves (or sometimes creates) problems through misdirection, trickery or deception rather than through the more traditional hero path of direct confrontation.
Part 1: Strength
5 sets of 3 push press, as heavy as possible
Part 2: Gymnastics technique
Practice one legged balances and arm balances for 10 minutes
Part 3: Conditioning
4 rounds for time
Run 500m
8 cleans (135/95)
12 strict toes to bar
Check the whiteboard for numbers.