Look Forward

Vertical for always - double unders

Are you doing double unders? Look forward. Are you at the top of a box jump? Look forward. Are you at the top of a thruster? Look forward. Are you finishing a kettlebell swing? Look forward.

The general rule, when moving, is to look forward. There are exceptions, of course (back flips, spinning kicks, forward rolls) but most of the time, look forward. Looking up or looking down gets you out of a neutral spine position. If the movement calls for a neutral spine… you should probably look forward.

Battle of Inchon
Part 1: Barbell Technique
3 position snatch
Part 2: Strength
4 sets of 4 pause front squats
Part 3: Conditioning
2 rounds for time
50 double unders
40 sit ups
30 Kb swings (24/16)
20 burpees
10 box jumps (30)

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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