Ideally, you’d ingrain proper technique into your body so that even when you are at the point of complete exhaustion, your form would still be perfect.
Realistically, you’ve got to keep your mental focus high as you get tired. Remind yourself that technique matters and falling back on the familiar pattern of muscling your way through is just going to make you more tired. I’m here to help. I should be reminding you of proper form as you work. You’re here to learn to move better, inside and outside of the gym. Keep your mental focus. Remind yourself to keep your torso vertical when you press.
Also, when you jerk, stand up all the way before you bring the barbell back down.
Battle of Mohi
Part 1: Barbell Technique
4 sets of 4 touch and go cleans
Do a fifth set at 80% of your heaviest weight (from previous 4 sets) and do as many unbroken reps as possible
Part 2: Gymnastic Technique
Alternate 8
A: Cartwheels
B: L sits
Part 3: Conditioning
50 sit ups
10 chest to overhead anyhows (135/95)
50 tuck jumps
10 chest to overhead anyhows (135/95)
50 grasshoppers
10 chest to overhead anyhows
Check the whiteboard for numbers.