With the complicated workouts, sometimes you lose a moment or two in confusion. What lift is next? How many reps do I do?
Set yourself up correctly. Write down the movements on the floor if you need to. Load the bar so that it unloads perfectly into the next movement.
Why? What if you don’t care about your time?
The workouts are supposed to mimic our ability to handle real life stress. Dealing with life means having good organizational skills. Dealing with some of the complicated workouts we do requires organization skills. Get organized and finish the work faster.
Battle of Stalingrad
Part 1: Barbell Technique
4 sets of 5 touch and go clean and jerks
Then do a final AMRAP set with 80% of your heaviest weight from the above 4 sets.
Part 2: Gymnastic Technique
Alternate 8
A: Skin to cat to back lever
B: Double unders
Part 3: Conditioning
3 minute AMRAP
1 lap bear walk
5 chest to bar pull ups
10 deadlifts (225/155)
1 min rest
3 min AMRAP
1 lap broad jump
5 handstand push ups
10 cleans (135/95)
1 min rest
3 min AMRAP
1 lap bear walk
5 handstand push ups
10 thrusters (95/65)
1 min rest
3 min AMRAP
1 lap broad jump
5 chest to bar pull ups
10 snatches (75/45)
Check the whiteboard for numbers.