Light Weight

Oly class 10.13.14

Heavy weights can make it difficult to think clearly. Therefore, when you are exploring a new technique idea, it is often wise to use light weights.

With all this new power position stuff, I’ve relegated myself to very light weights for the clean, jerk and snatch. I’m sticking with them for a month. My hope is to ingrain the feel of the new techniques for a month and then add weight.

If anyone would care to join me on this frolick down humble lane, they are welcome to.

Battle of Agincourt
Part 1: Barbell Technique
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes
3 position clean + 1 jerk
Part 2: Midline Work
Alternate 8
A: ghd sit ups
B: handstand work
Part 3: Conditioning
3 rounds for time
1 lap broad jumps
6/6 pistols
12 strict pull ups
24 push ups

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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