It has been a while since we’ve done a monthly challenge. The last three months have been all about the 5-3-1 work. Hope you’re all stronger.
This month, I challenge you all to hold the bottom of a squat (rock bottom, not parallel) for 5 minutes a day. In addition, I challenge you all to hang from a pull up bar for 5 minutes a day.
Range of motion. These two simple static holds will increase your range of motion. I tried this challenge last month and noticed huge payoffs. The biggest payoff was the ability to sleep without my shoulders hurting (thanks bar hangs!). Try it and see what you get out of it.
The Battle of the Somme
Part 1: barbell gymnastics
3×2 snatches
3×2 snatch high pulls
3×2 snatch dead lifts plus shrug
Part 2: metcon
5 rounds for total reps
1 minute AMRAP double unders
1 minute AMRAP thrusters (95/65)
1 minute rest
Check the whiteboard for numbers.