
I dig it when the workout is right at the edge of my capacity where I have to make a conscious decision to stop or continue. Today was one of those for me. I had the bar in hand, had done half of the reps required and had to choose. I could either finish the rest of the reps or drop the bar.

I won’t lie. Sometimes I make the choice to rest. Today, I made the choice to keep going. It felt horrible. I mean it felt good to be able to summon up that willpower and keep going but the actual movement felt horrible.

These are the things that happen when you are fighting The Lord of darkness, right?

Part 1: Strength
X=90% of your 1rm deadlift
5 reps @ 75% of x +20 pounds
3 reps @ 85% of x +20 pounds
1+ reps @ 95% of x +20 pounds
Part 2: Metcon (20 min cap)
10 rounds
1/1 lunges with barbell in front rack (135/95)
5 push ups
5 rounds
2/2 lunges with barbell in front rack (135/95)
10 sit ups
3 rounds
4/4 lunges with barbell in front rack (135/95)
15 squats
Then, with no rest do
1 ring dip

Check the whiteboard to see who played the role of Liv Tyler.

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