The Killer at Large

Certain movements, when mixed together, strike fear into the heart of CrossFitters. We all know about toes to bar and Kb swings – how they destroy our forearms when combined. But… did you know if you do double unders and squat cleans THEN run you’ve taken away both your ability to breathe (thanks double unders) and your legs (thanks squat cleans).

Let’s find more of these deadly combinations.

Part 1: Strength
X =90% of your 1rm deadlift
3 reps @70% of x + 20 pounds
3 reps @80% of x + 20 pounds
3+ reps @90% of x +20 pounds
Part 2: Metcon
Run 500m
100 double unders
10 squat cleans (165/115)
Run 500m

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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