
In today’s workout, you got to partially determine your own fate. You did this by flipping a coin and “calling it” in the air. If you got it right, you did one couplet of movements. If you got it wrong, you did the other couplet.

The hilarious result was watching students wanting to be wrong. They’d gotten 3 right calls in a row and they desperately wanted some variation. Now here’s the question: is it a 50/50 chance or does our human misperception of randomness skew the numbers?

Part 1: Strength
5 rounds, not for time
5 bent over rows
5 push presses
Part 2: Metcon< AMRAP 12 Flip a coin and call it. If you call the coin wrong do 5 burpee broad jumps 10 Turkish sit up If you call the coin correctly do 5 inbred cousins 10 wall ball sit ups Check the a href="">whiteboard
for numbers.

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