Run through the Ratched

How much focus do you have left? You’ve done push-ups, squats, rolls, toes to bar and burpee pull ups… can you still think clearly about the technique necessary to clean and jerk?

If the answer is no and the weight is light then you’re probably fine. You can muscle your way though it. If the answer is no and the weight is heavy then take a moment. Breathe. Think about one important piece of doing a really good clean. When you feel collected and ready, throw the barbell up.

Mental focus matters. Technique matters. Put your mind on the technique.

Nurse Ratched
Part 1: Strength
X=90% of your 1rm deadlift
5 reps @ (65% of x) + 20 pounds
5 reps @ (75% of x) + 20 pounds
5+ reps @ (85% of x) + 20 pounds
Part 2: The Combine
25 weighted push ups (45/35)
60 seconds paleo chair
60 squats
60 second paleo chair
12 forward rolls
12 toes to bar
12 backward rolls
12 toes to bar
25 burpee pull ups
8 clean and jerks (body weight)

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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