Let the villainy begin. Most of the workouts this month will be named after fictional antagonists. If you’ve got a character you love to hate, let me know and I’ll fashion a workout based on their evilness. (The few that aren’t bad guy based will be benchmark wods which are an evil unto themselves.)
Speaking of evil, check out those front squats. We’ve talked about elbows before and posture and how good elbows translates to good posture and good posture translates to a easier squat. Something I don’t feel like I’ve touched on in the blog before is people’s feet rolling inward. Ever notice that? Watch people’s feet. Sure, some folks roll up onto their toes and we all know that is bad because it cuts off the posterior chain but rolling inward puts an imbalance on the musculature as well (similar to knocking your knees together). Press on the outside edge of the foot (the pinky side) if you are one of those squatters who tends to roll their ankles inward at the bottom of the squat.
Part 1: Strength
X=90% of your 1rm shoulder press
5 reps @ (65% of x) + 10 pounds
5 reps @ (75% of x) + 10 pounds
5+ reps @ (85% of x) + 10 pounds
Part 2: Metcon
3 rounds for time*
21 front squats (95/65)
3 rounds with jump rope
11 doubles
5 crosses
* every participant gets a handkerchief. At any point during the workout, participants can throw their handkerchief. When they do, they should shout “backstab” at which point everyone who isn’t done with the workout must stop and do 5 reverse burpees.
Check the whiteboard for numbers.