When you’ve got limited shoulder mobility and you’ve got to stick something over your head one of the ways to compensate is to arch your back.
Don’t do it! It’s a trap that will trash your back – particularly if those objects you are balancing above your head are heavy barbells.
So what should you do? Work your shoulder mobility every day and be patient with the heavy stuff. Better to nail down good structure slowly over time than post big numbers in the short term and end up blowing out your back.
Stealing Dave’s Workouts
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
2 squat clean thrusters
Part 2: Metcon
6 min AMRAP
1 lap overhead lunges with med ball (20/14)
15 Turkish sit ups with med ball (20/14)
4 min rest (in which you must run 500m)
6 min AMRAP
1 lap of tire flips with a partner
100 hug five burpees with a partner
Finish by running 500m
Check the whiteboard for numbers.