Building a Wheelhouse

The theory is that if you do CrowsFit, you’ll get better at all the movements in CrossFit because we cycle through all those movements.

The truth is that most of us need to do extra work to shore up our weaknesses or we are reduced to tears every time a particular movement appears in a workout. This is old news.

Equally important as working on what you are bad at is acknowledging what you are good at. Learning all these movements and pushing yourself physically can be crushing to the ego. Give yourself and others credit for what you are good at. Its nice to have a wheelhouse and even to be proud of that wheelhouse.

Part 1: Skill work
Alternate 8
A: L pull ups
b: double unders
Part 2: Benchmark workout
5 rounds for time
12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 chest to overhead anyhows
Barbell = 155/105

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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