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Since I’m talking about the idea of base in the Kung fu entry, I might as well keep running with it.

The air squat is, hands down, the most fundamental movement we do in CrossFit. If you’ve got a good air squat a ton of other things will come into focus for you. The trouble is that it isn’t actually that easy of a motion.

You need good flexibility, good body awareness and a willingness to move through the whole range of motion. It is easy to get excited in the midst of a workout and short the bottom or the top of the motion (or both). Don’t. Points may be motivating but they aren’t helping you adapt. Watch yourself on film when you air squat. Do you complete the range of motion every time?

Gideon v. wainwright
Part 1: Strength
X=90% of your 1rm deadlift
3 reps @70% of x+10 pounds
3 reps @80% of x+10 pounds
3+ reps @90% of x+10 pounds
Part 2: Metcon
With 12 minutes on the clock, do
6 rounds
14 split jumps (L+R=2)
14 grasshoppers (L+R=2)
6 off the deck push ups
14 squats

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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