Video Watching Ratio

Row Technique Correction with Ben Bergeron

How many minutes of technique videos should you watch in comparison to how much you train?

Okay. First of all, this assumes you are watching any technique videos at all and that you are training at all. If you are doing one and not the other, you should try doing both (particularly if you are watching videos and not training. It won’t make you any fitter.)

Anyway, my arbitrary rule is 5 minutes of video for every 5 hours of training, which basically (for me) means about 1 technique video a week. This means I’m going out onto the web and getting new information but not so much that I get lost in a sea of novelty. (It also means I’m not spending hours on YouTube watching CrossFit videos instead of sleeping.)

Check out the rowing technique video above and see what you think.

The Reveal
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
EMOM for 4 minutes
High hang clean
2 minute rest
EMOM for 4 minutes
Part 2: Skill
For 8 minutes, alternate A & B
A: 30 seconds of pull ups, 30 seconds of rest
B: 30 seconds of handstand push ups, 30 seconds of rest
Part 3: Metcon
15 min AMRAP
50 double unders
25 squats
30 second plank hold

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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