Why are we Selling Coffee?

imageToday a stand up display of Portland Roasting coffee arrived at the school.  It is full of a blend of coffee called “black belt blend”.  Why?

There is no single cause.  In fact, it is rare in training to find an event with a single cause.  As is often the case, a number of factors came together to make WAKF a coffee merchant.

Turns out Sifu Sean wants to buy a full contact suit. What’s that? It’s a suit you wear that is padded so people can hit you harder. Sounds fun, right? Finally you’ll get a chance to hit someone super hard (still not in the knees, thanks). It also happens that one of Sifu Sean’s students owns Portland Roasting company. They got together, brainstormed and came up with the idea of selling coffee to fund the suit.

Buy a $10 bag of coffee and you win an opportunity to pound on someone wearing a suit. Until then, we’ll continue to hit each other… don’t worry.

All of this assumes that NPAKF is willing to share their suit, which they are, provided we help sell some coffee.

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