The Usual Miss Steps

It is by no means universal but there is a fairly predictable line of progression as students learn the Olympic lifts.

Most students start by doing something that approximates a bent over row and then stand up straight, bringing the bar to rack position and finish by looking at their coach and saying, “like that?”.  Happily, this phase can usually be cured within a couple of minutes for most people and they can be doing a mostly correct deadlift with the PVC fairly quickly.

A fundamental mistake that persists for a long time for many people is the elbows bending too early.  If you see this in yourself or others, call it.  It means that the student is using arm strength and shorting the use of their hips.  Be patient with those elbows, peeps.

Part 1: barbell gymnastics
EMOM 4 minutes
High hang snatch
2 minute rest
EMOM 4 minutes
Part 2: Metcon
4 rounds for time
25 Kb swings (24/16kg)
15 push ups
25 sit ups

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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