
Once you are immersed in a culture, it is often difficult to relate to those on the outside. CrossFit definitely has the capacity to be a culture and it is important (I think) to keep in mind two things.

1. It is just exercise. Drywall said it best but I think it bears repeating. It may be effective. It may involve skill sets. It may be rewarding. It may be fun. It is exercise. We should strive to make it all of the above – effective, skilled, rewarding and fun but we should also strive to remain humble. It is just exercise.
2. It is super hard. No need to brag or gloat but CrossFit is difficult. When you see beginners putting themselves in the mix, remind them of that. Remind them that they need to slide into things gradually and that pushing too hard from the get go is foolish.

To me these are the two best things we can do to help present a positive image of CrossFit to the public: be honest and humble. CrossFit is well entrenched in the public consciousness. Let’s do our part to make that public image a positive one that is willing to help anyone who is willing to work hard.

Part 1: barbell gymnastics
EMOM for 8 minutes
3 position clean
Part 2: Metcon
5 rounds for total toes to bar reps:
With one minute on the clock do
12 Kb swings (32/24kg)
With the remaining time left AMRAP toes to bar
Rest one minute between rounds.

Check the whiteboard for numbers.

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