By Example

An example of a fighting principle explained in a non martial situation:

Active vs. Passive

You can swim or you can float.

Sometimes this is simply a choice: it’s a wonderful sunny day, the current is slow and you’ve got nowhere to go. You could swim in order to explore, move your muscles and to actively play. You could also float, relax and let the water take you wherever it is going.

Other times there is a necessity level. Your friend is drowning in a pool. It makes no sense to float to the bottom slowly. It is important that you swim, as quickly as possible to the bottom, retrieve them and get them back on dry land as soon as you can.

Finally, it sometimes makes more sense to float than swim. If you are swept out of your canoe in some rough rapids and manage to get on top of the water, it is safer to point your toes downstream, relax and ride things out. Fighting it and swimming is only liable to lead to an injury.

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