Jump Down

Jumping down. Not off a higher surface to a lower surface but from a level surface to that same level surface. Jump down.

Weird stuff but it is a somewhat accurate description of what you do during the 3rd pull of the Olympic lifts. As the bar hovers in space, you pull your feet off the ground, pull down on the bar and jump yourself down.

It’s not a perfect description but it fully captures the weirdness that is the snatch balance. Jump down.

Murph Hangover
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
EMOM 8 minutes
Snatch balance
Part 2: Metcon
12 min AMRAP
5 toes to bar
15 Kb swings (24/16kg)
25 double unders

Check the whiteboard for numbers and the go watch this slow motion video and then tell me if it looks like a jump down.

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