Double Double

Double shenanigans

The trouble with the double is the bubble can befuddle. As in if all you have is a jump rope single that double under seems worlds away… unreachable worlds… imaginary worlds… parallel worlds where yellow suns make you 10 times stronger than the average human.

So what to do when the trick eludes you? Pick a trick you can reach quick. If you’ve got a single, try an alternating foot single. If you’ve got that, try a cross. If you’ve got that, go for the double. Now you’ve got two stops before you try to jump to that imaginary world of the double under which hopefully made it seem reachable.

With Liberty and Unbroken for All
Part 1: Barbell Gymnastics
EMOM for 8 minutes
3 position clean
Part 2: Metcon
100 double unders
25 push ups
50 double unders
25 push ups
Run 500m

Check the whiteboard/a> for numbers.

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