How Wide?

Take a moment and do an air squat. If you’ve been doing air squats for a while, there will be little question how wide your feet should be. If you’re new to the air squat, try doing a vertical jump and seeing where your feet land.

The width that your feet land is probably the same width you should use for an air squat. This is because your body knows (aka you’ve jumped a few thousand times in your life) where to land such that your legs can most effectively absorb the force of impact and that same stance width that is good for absorbing impact is good for generating force with the glutes and hamstrings.

That air squat depth also happens to be exactly the same width that you should do a loaded squat (front, back, overhead, goblet, whatever) from. This is a beautiful coincidence as it means you need not learn more than one stance to squat. In addition, it also happens to be the very same width that you should catch the Olympic lifts if (snatch and clean) because they are really just another squat variation (albeit very dynamic variations).

In conclusion, if you (or anyone else) are wondering how wide you should squat, jump and land. This should be very close to proper squat width.

Do You Need Abs To Squat?
Part 1: barbell gymnastics
EMOM for 8 minutes
Hang snatch
Part 2: Metcon
2 min AMRAP wall ball sit ups (20/14)
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP goblet squats (24/16kg)
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP knees to elbows
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP air squats

Score is your total reps across all four movements. Check the for scores.

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