Chipping Away…

Trying to get the green sash training manual done.

6.8 Fighting Principle # 5 – Critical Distance Line

Before every boxing match begins, the announcer goes over both fighter’s statistics.  One of the things that bets listed is reach – the distance from the fighter’s armpit to the end of their glove.  It is a simple measurement of limb length.

A distance that is much more difficult to measure is: at what distance can that same boxer effectively deliver a knockout shot from?  Is it as long as their arm or are their punches ineffective at the end of their reach?  What if they take a long step as they fire a punch?

To make things even more complicated, what if (as in the game of tournament sparring) the fighter is allowed to kick?  At what distance can they deliver an effective strike?  What if they are wielding a stick?  Now what range are they effective up to?

The critical distance line is the maximum distance that your partner can be away from you and deliver an effective (damaging) strike.

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