Remember The Basics

carryingNever forget the basics.  In fact, never forget all the steps you had to learn to get the basics.  Take for example, the clean…

Remember figuring out that to get a good rack position you had to let go of your grip a little bit.  You let go of that grip and it allowed you to push your elbows up which allowed you to stay on your heels which allowed you to squat lower which allowed you to do more weight and… wow.  That was a big deal.

So why is it important to remember something you’ve drilled into muscle memory?  Why is it necessary to keep it in the front of your mind?  Because if you do, the next time you’re working with someone on the clean, you can give them the simple advice “let go of your grip a little bit and let the bar roll back into your body” and watch them become almost instantly better at the clean.

Then hopefully, dolling out that expert advice will help you to remember to make your elbows even faster.

April’s Atlantean Aurevoir
Part 1: Skill/Strength
EMOM 5 minutes: Squat clean
2 minute rest
2 minute AMRAP: Squat cleans
Part 2: Metcon (15 minute cap)
60 KB swings (16/12kg)
50 Step ups (with KB) on a 20″ box
40 KB swings (24/16kg)
30 Step ups (with KB) on a 20″ box
20 KB swings (32/24kg)
10 Step ups (with KB) on a 20″ box

Check the whiteboard for scores.

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