It’s easy to pour all your focus into what one of your limbs is doing. Often, this means paying attention to that punch you’re throwing, or putting all your thought into that foot you’re kicking with.
Sadly, the price of this is 3 lonely limbs left to their own devices which often means some big holes in your game for your partner to exploit.
So today in forms class, looking to the them of “going to the void” we tried to close those openings, to close off any “easy” voids for our partners to exploit. How did we do this? We focused on what the “other” hand was doing. (Which was an acknowledgement of the fact that it is wise to focus on only one thing at a time and let the feet go on autopilot for the time being.)
If we were punching with the right, we tried to examine how well we were chambering with the left. If we we’re grabbing with the left, we tried to focus on the placement of the right. Will this kind of detail work help in our sparring? We’ll see. It certainly made everyone’s form look sharper.