Three Points

I surf the internet for ideas.  Often these ideas come in the form of people’s names who keep cropping up.  Dan John’s name is one that is everywhere in the strength community, so I thought I’d pick up a book and see what he had to say and if it has any value to what we do in CrossFit.  The short answer is he has quite a bit  of interesting stuff to say and most of it is directly applicable to what we do.  Here’s a three point summary of what I saw to be the ideas that came up the most in Dan John’s Book, Never Let Go:
  1. Everything/anything works for about 6-8 weeks.
  2. Eat protein at every meal.
  3. Regularly expose yourself to new movements.
One annoying part of the book is that it’s a stitched together compilation of articles.  This means you end up reading the same intro type stuff quite a few times.  While you don’t hear exactly the same anecdote twice, you end up reading several stories that serve to essentially prove the same point – thus are somewhat redundant.
One nice part about the book is that it’s a series of articles so if one doesn’t appeal to you, it’s easy to just skip ahead to the next one without any fear of losing continuity.  Almost every article has some sort of outlined workout routine, so I found myself skipping to the middle, reading the workout and if it grabbed my attention, I went back and read the rest of the article.
Who is Dan John?  He’s a lifting and (discus) throwing coach.  He’s been teaching about 30 years – so he’s picked up a couple of interesting things along the way.

Triple Your Heavy, Part II
5,3,1 Shoulder Press
5,3,1 Push Press
5,3,1 Push Jerk

Check the whiteboard for lots of numbers.

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