Lift More

Until the day when we can stick a usb cable into our brains and download new physical skills, we’re stuck with having to learn by doing.  Looking for a better double under?  You’ll find it doing double unders.  Looking for a better hand stand balance?  You’ll find it doing hand stand balances.
All this is obvious.  Less obvious perhaps is the fact that strength movements are the same way.  I don’t mean that by doing deadlifts you get stronger – though you do.  I mean that by doing the motion your body and brain gain a better understanding of the motion.  Part of strength is neurological and part of it is technique and part of it is psychological – you get confident that you can lift a weight and then you can.  If you lack that confidence, the weight often doesn’t move.  Practicing the lifts builds strength, skill and confidence.

When the Bar Hits the Ground, Part II
3 RM Deadlift, followed immediately by
50 double unders (DU), 15 handstand push ups (HSPU)
40 DU, 12 HSPU
30 DU, 9 HSPU
20 DU, 6 HSPU
10 DU, 3 HSPU
Score = weight, time.

Check the whiteboard for scores.

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