Straight Through

Suppose you’re workload is 50 of movement A and 50 of movement B.  Would you rather do all 50 of A and then move on to all 50 of B or would you rather do 10 of A and 10 of B 5 times?
Which ever way you answered (including it depends on the movements and the weights assigned to those movements) you’ll be happy to know that we here at CrossFit Hillsdale are there for you.  We will serve you a workout to fit your preference.  Of course, we will also serve you a workout that is the exact opposite of your preference.  Such is the CrossFit way.  Adapt and enjoy.

1 Bit, 2 Bits, 3 Bits, a Dollar.
25 Ring Rows
50 KB Swings (24/16)
75 Back Extensions
100 Double Unders

Check the whiteboard for times.

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