Jerk Balance

Silly name, I know. We got lots of ’em in CrossFit. Moving past the name, the drill (as far as I understand it) is to help athletes get their hips underneath the drill and get the front foot moving forward.
When the weights get heavy, it’s easy to get scared and lose the commitment required to get a successful lift.  So, we break down the lift and drill the pieces so that come heavy time – everything is built in.  To do the drill, pick a lightish weight, rack it and step the back foot into position (where it would normally go in a split jerk).  Then, dip and drive the bar up and at the same time launch the front foot forward.  Do this several times and then see if it’s made that front foot (and in turn your hips) more aggressive.

3 Rounds For Time
12 Thrusters (115/80)
24 KB swings (24/16kg)

Check the whiteboard for times. 

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