
Today’s workout was one of those “I need a crib sheet workouts”.  The reps kept changing.  The height of the box kept changing.  The weights kept changing.  Even the distance you were supposed to run kept changing.
One solution to this problem is to grab a piece of chalk and write out the workout on the horse stall mats (that’s right – they’re made for horse stalls).  Another is to talk out loud to yourself, naming off the current number of reps you need to do, or the weight you need to change to, etc.  A third solution is to pace yourself slightly behind someone else and just copy what they do.
Whatever the case, hopefully the pesky changes keep your mind engaged, distract you from how horrible the work is and help you get done quicker.

A Twist of the Knife
50 Box Jumps (18″)
Run 500m
25 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
Run 500m
35 Box Jumps (24″)
Run 400m
15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Run 400m

Check the whiteboard for times.

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