Fear Fitness

When all other variables are held constant and your workout time decreases, you have become “more fit”.  That’s one of the core ideas behind doing benchmark workouts and recording your time… so that when that workout comes up again, supposing you do the same weight and reps – if you take less time, that means you did more work, thus you are “more fit”.
What if under fear of doing another set of pushups you go faster?  Does that make you more fit or more scared?  If it cuts your time down does it matter if you are more fit and more scared?  What if your fear level increases your fitness level?  Or if being scared makes you more fit?  Try today’s workout and find out…
The Persistence of Pushups
3 Rounds
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
30 Split Jumps
Every minute, on the minute, pause the workout and do 2X pushups, where X= the number of minutes that has passed.  When you complete the pushups, resume the workout where you left off.
Check the whiteboard… for time.
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