Counting is Hard

Are Tabata protocols 4 minutes or 2 minutes?  Is it 8 sets or 4 sets?
I suppose they could be either but the official protocol is 8 sets (which means 4 minutes).  Never the less when I looked at the whiteboard today (that I had written) I saw an 8 minute workout.  In fact, I almost called the workout “8 minutes hate”, which would have starkly illustrated my inability to count.  Luckily there were no CrossFit disasters and everyone completed the workout as written.

There’s Rest in There
Tabata push ups
2 minute AMRAP pull ups
Tabata squats
2 minute AMRAP pull ups
Score = lowest score of 8 sets of push ups, total pull ups, lowest score of 8 sets of squats, total pull ups.

Check the whiteboard for more near math errors.

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