Margins, Get out of my Way

Remember when you figured out that when the whiteboard says “chest to overhead anyhow” you could push jerk every single rep and it was like 7 times easier than shoulder pressing it?  Yeah.  That was awesome.
Sadly, today was a day where you had to shoulder press.  Perhaps it was as sad as those days where you have to do dead hang pull ups or strict hand stand push ups.
Hopefully you rose above this barbed wire filled trench of sadness and thought: “I’m a CrossFitter.  I thrive on pushing at the margins of my fitness.  Being comfortable is boring.  Bring it on, shoulder press… is that all you got?”

Yes, Shoulder Press
3 Rounds
21 Box Jumps (24″)
12 Shoulder Presses (95/65)

Check the whiteboard for times.

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