Double Down

Ever think of two really great workouts and have trouble choosing between which one to do?  Why not do both… back to back… with no rest inbetween?  Now, I hear the voices of reason, caution and chiropractors saying that this is too much but I choose to disbelieve these voices.
Instead, I choose to believe that people are capable of way more than they think they are.  Go watch a sliver or two of the archived 2011 CrossFit games and you’ll see what I mean.
After doing so, you are not allowed to say “Yeah, but those people…”  They’re human.  They train hard.  So can you.  To paraphrase Drywall, “put more weight on the bar.  Get stronger.”
Also, we’re gonna need a bigger tire.  Everyone who flipped it agreed it was far too light.

As Easy as 1,2
3 Rounds
12 Handstand Push Ups
21 Toes to Bar
3 Rounds
Sprint to Dewitt and back
12 Cleans (135/95)

Check the whiteboard for times.

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